Bihar DELED 1st Merit List

Bihar DELED 1st Merit List

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) will release the first merit list for Bihar D.El.Ed. 2024 admissions in July. The intimation letter issued to candidates in the first list will mention the assigned college for admission. Candidates are required to accept the assigned college for admission; if they are not satisfied with the allocation, they can later opt for a college change through the Slide Up process. However, failure to take admission in the assigned college will disqualify the candidate from the Slide Up process, and their candidacy will be terminated. Only after completing the Slide Up will the candidate be considered for the second merit list.

Bihar D.EL.Ed Admission Merit List 2024,

बिहार डी एल एड एडमिशन प्रवेश परीक्षा 2024,

Bihar D.EL.Ed Entrance Exam 2024,

DepartmentBihar Education Department & BSEB
Post Update17/07/2024
Counselling ModeOnline
Bihar DELEd 2024
1st Selection List17/07/2024
Admission18/07/2024 to 23/07/2024
Slide-Up Process18/07/2024 to 23/07/2024
जिस विद्यार्थी का चयन प्रथम लिस्ट में नहीं होगा उसके लिए नया कॉलेज सेलेक्ट करने की तिथि25/07/2024 to 26/07/2024
Document List For DELED Admission 2024
1Intimation Latter
2CAF (Counselling Form Print Out)
310th Marksheet
410th Certificate (Mool/Provisional)
512th Marksheet
612th Certificate (Mool/Provisional)
85 Passport Size Photo
9Cast Certificate
10Residantial Certificate (Niwas/Awasiya)
11Aadhar Card
सभी डॉक्यूमेंट का 2-2 फोटोकॉपी एवं नामांकन शुल्क 3000/- रूपये लेकर जाना है कॉलेज में|
नोट : SLC/CLC ओरिजिनल जमा ले लिया जायेगा
12th Pass30630750
College List DownloadGovtPrivet
DELED 2 Year Course Fees
GOVT CollegePVT College
GEN/EWS/BC/EBC: RS- 10000/- Per Year Click HereSC/ST : Rs- 6000/- Per YearRs- 60000/- Per Year

निजी प्रशिक्षण संस्थानों में दो वर्षीय डी०एल०एड० कोर्स के लिए अधिक्तम शुल्क :- दिनांक 03.07.2023 द्वारा जारी अधिसूचना के माध्यम से राज्य के गैर-सरकारी स्व- वित्तपोषित प्रशिक्षण संस्थानों में दो वर्षीय डी०एल०एड० कोर्स के लिए शैक्षणिक सत्र 2023-25 से प्रति छात्र अधिकतम 60,000/- (साठ हजार) रुपये वार्षिक शुल्क तथा कुल दो वर्ष के सम्पूर्ण कोर्स हेतु प्रति छात्र अधिकतम 1,20,000/- (एक लाख बीस हजार) रुपये मात्र शुल्क निर्धारित करने का निर्णय लिया गया है।

Most Use-full Links
1st Merit ListClick Here
Counselling Online Form (CAF)Click Here
Result/Score CardClick Here
College ListDownload
Answer KeyDownload
Answer key NoticeClick Here
Download Final Admit CardClick Here
Practice Link (Mock Test)Click Here
Final Admit Card NoticeClick Here
Dummy Admit CardDownload
Dummy Admit Card NoticeDownload
Online ApplyClick Here
Notifiation 2024Download
New SyllabusClick Here
Bihar D.EL,Ed Question TestClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

Frequentlyn Asked Questions(FAQs)

  1. What is the Bihar D.El.Ed. 1st Merit List Release Date?
    • The Bihar D.El.Ed. 1st Merit List for 2024 will be released on 17th July 2024.
  2. How can I check the Bihar D.El.Ed. 1st Merit List?
    • Candidates can check the merit list by visiting the official Bihar D.El.Ed. portal and clicking on the link provided for the first merit list. The list will contain the allotted college names for admission.
  3. What is the Slide-Up Process in Bihar D.El.Ed. Admission 2024?
    • The Slide-Up process allows candidates who are not satisfied with their allotted college in the first merit list to apply for a college change. However, if a candidate does not take admission in the assigned college, they cannot avail the Slide-Up option and their candidature will be canceled.
  4. What are the important dates for Bihar D.El.Ed. 2024?
    • 1st Selection List Release: 17/07/2024
    • Admission Period: 18/07/2024 to 23/07/2024
    • Slide-Up Process: 18/07/2024 to 23/07/2024
    • For candidates not selected in the first list: New college selection from 25/07/2024 to 26/07/2024
  5. What documents are required for Bihar D.El.Ed. Admission?
    • The following documents must be submitted for admission:
      1. Intimation Letter
      2. CAF (Counseling Form Print Out)
      3. 10th Marksheet & Certificate
      4. 12th Marksheet & Certificate
      5. SLC/CLC
      6. 5 Passport-size Photos
      7. Caste Certificate
      8. Residential Certificate
      9. Aadhaar Card
    • Candidates need to bring a photocopy of each document and pay the admission fee of ₹3000 at the assigned college.


Bihar D.El.Ed. Admission 2024 offers a structured counseling process where candidates must accept their allocated college in the first merit list. For those unsatisfied with the assignment, the Slide-Up option provides a chance to change colleges, but it requires timely action and acceptance of the first allotment. It is crucial to submit the necessary documents and follow all deadlines to avoid the cancellation of candidacy. Candidates must be diligent in checking the merit list and other updates to ensure smooth admission.

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